44 pupils, 88 eyelids, 440 fingers, 1650 heartbeats a minute, 22 thousand trillion cells and kms of neurons in the same cloud-like aura: a unique organism.



Beppe Chia


Amministratore Delegato / Direttore creativo

I have studied Engineering, Drawing, Art History, Design, Graphics and IT. I work with visual communication in the spheres of publishing, industry and public administration. My projects have helped launch magazines, publishing houses and other publishing initiatives. I design visual identities and I promote methods for developing complex strategic design and visual communication projects. I founded and now lead Chialab. I have promoted and supported research on the relationship between type design and dyslexia and the problems linked to the accessibility of texts and images. I am a consultant, trainer and educator in the sphere of visual methodology and design. I have been a director and president of the AIAP, a member of both the ISIA Academic Council in Urbino and the Italian Design Council.


Alex Weste


Kunst Direktor

My first experience of visual advertising was in Stuttgart. I studied Design, Type Design, Publishing Graphics and Photography at the ISIA in Urbino and the Faculty of Communication Design at the Hochschule in Augsburg. My continual pilgrimages between Italy and Germany widened my field of vision by mixing the design cultures of North and South. Having initially worked in Milan, in 1998 I settled in Bologna, where I met Beppe Chia. I now work as an art director with a special focus on typography and I mainly design visual identity, layout and publishing projects.


Andrea Alberti



I did university studies in Sanskrit, history, anthropology, in parallel with illustration, graphic design, and computer graphics. I have created and directed countless projects on the web and not, with particular attention to the usability of interfaces, data architecture, and the semantic structure of content. I live between Lugano and Bologna and I am a Chialab partner since 2000.


Christian Magagni


Quello con cui dovrete fare i conti

Having graduated with a diploma in Applied Art and Industrial Design, I have worked in the communication and publishing sector since 1990. In 1995 I became a partner and founder of Chialab, where I developed projects in the multimedia and publishing sphere and then took on the role of financial and sales manager.


Jessica Cantoni


Project manager / Designer / Trainer

After graduating with a diploma in Visual Arts, I have specialised in graphic design and illustration for children. I have worked at Chialab since 1995 in the publishing sphere. This includes coordination activities, leading the development team, offering consultancy and facilitating prepress and page formatting processes. Since 2019 I have focused on training.


Manuel Zanettin


Agile Coach / Designer

I studied Multimedia and Visual Design at the Academy of Fine Arts of Urbino. Since 2007 I’m working in Chialab as web designer and project manager, adopting Agile methodologies. I’m a lecturer and I taught in several schools, academies and universities. I’ve earned the PSM and CSM Scrum Master certifications and I’m a PhD candidate at IUAV, Architecture University of Venice.

Andres Bautista


Web Developer

Born in Ecuador, I moved to Bologna at the age of seven. Having gained a diploma at the Institute of Information Technology and Telecommunications, I studied Computer Science at university while also  volunteering to teach Italian to foreigners. I have always worked as a freelance Web Developer and in 2021 I joined Chialab, where I am able to satisfy my passion for socializing and teamwork.

Crypto, blockchain and new technologies, in general, are my main professional interests. In a world of continuous evolution, keeping up to date is key.


Antonio D’Elisiis



Graduated first in Graphic Design and then specialized in visual and motion design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino, where I realized an experimental project about the new methods of reading creating a multimedia e-book called Guardalontano, I decided to move in 2019 to Lausanne to gain more experience during a second Master in Type Design at Ecal (Ecole Cantonale d’Art Lausanne).
As a designer I’m interested in parallel to my academic studies, with practical work in art direction, programming of interactive systems and interfaces, type, web, motion and graphic design. 
The research and experimentation represent an important binomial in my growth path to encourage the creation of new projects and forms of communication that are never banal in form and in content. I’m also work on the interrelation of complexity and simplicity, analogue and digital, art and industry, these are the pillars of my design thinking.


Dario Sacco


Web Developer

I began working as a Web Developer in 2015 and gained experience with various Full Stack Developer technologies. Since 2017 I have worked at Chialab, where I develop web platform front-ends, mainly in the spheres of culture and education.

Avatar Edo

Edoardo Cavazza


Software Architect / Accessibility Consultant

I grew up among the smells of ink and freshly printed paper, looking with curiosity at the world of graphic design. After learning the basics of programming at the High School, and eager to explore both worlds, I took a multimedia communications course that put me in touch with Chialab, where I've grown as a web developer since 2012. Working on institutional websites and EdTech applications, I developed an interest in typography, readability, and accessibility. I am on the mission to promote and improve the synergy between designers, programmers and tools through talks, articles, training and technical leadership of teams developing components.


Giacomo Ranzi


Web Developer

I studied Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna. The course had a practical and innovative approach compared to more traditional IT studies and it fired a passion in me for algorithms, information networks and anything that reveals the hidden workings of things we use every day.

I have been a freelance web developer since 2017 and I have worked with Chialab since 2021. I also love a whole range of things that have nothing to do with IT, like trekking, rugby, basketball and board games.


Giulio Vasini



I was born in 2000. My interest in graphics led me to attend a Graphic Design diploma course at the Salesiani Institute in Bologna. During the course I gained work experience both in Italy and abroad that consolidated my interest in Graphic Design In 2019, having graduated, I began working as a page formatter at Chialab. This has proven to be an ideal location and opportunity to learn and grow both personally and professionally.


Giuseppe Criscione


Impaginatore / Automatizzatore

All’Università ho studiato filosofia e poi semiotica, senza mai abbandonare la mia passione autodidatta per la programmazione e la curiosità per le cose più varie e che sembrano non avere nulla a che vedere tra loro, ma poi tornano tutte utili.
Lavorando alla mia tesi su tipografia e pratiche di lettura mi sono avvicinato ai libri con un nuovo sguardo, divertendomi a smontarli per cogliere le relazioni e il significato di tutte le loro parti.
A conclusione di un master in editoria, nel 2022 sono entrato in Chialab, dove ora concilio la doppia natura cartacea e digitale che si cela dietro alla costruzione dei libri. Parallelamente mi occupo di automatizzazione applicata ai processi di impaginazione.


Leo Mainardi


Backend Developer

I have always been interested in computers and the world of IT since I was a child and I organised my school career around it. An internship experience in 2014 brought me into contact for the first time with the world of the web and I became interested in this busy ecosystem that is growing so rapidly. From 2015 onwards I worked with various companies as a full-stack developer and then, in 2019, I came to Chialab as a backend developer.


Lorenzo Fortini

UX designer

Chiedo “perché?” dal 1999. Nato a Bologna, trapiantato nelle Marche e tornato tra i miei portici preferiti dopo gli studi, mi muovo in maniera più o meno maldestra tra design, fotografia e musica, perché non ho mai imparato ad annoiarmi. Durante il liceo sono entrato in contatto col mondo dell’e-sport, scoprendo la progettazione digitale e proseguendo lì il mio percorso. In Chialab mi occupo di user experience design. Da piccolo volevo fare l’astronauta, ma poi ho scoperto di essere daltonico.


Michele Tomasini



Having graduated from Scientific High School, I attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna for a year to feed my love for the visual arts with a course in preprinting and multimedia communication.

In 2011 I joined Chialab, where I have grown and gained experience in designing and developing books and visual communications. I am also responsible for creating scripts enabling automation in the publishing sphere, layouts, animation and coaching.


Nicolò Carpignoli


WebXR Developer and Consultant

I graduated in Computer Engineering in 2016. I have been working in Chialab since 2017 as a frontend Web developer, working with Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in the Web (WebXR) and designing experiences in communication and culture. I realized and took part in several pioneering Open Source projects in WebXR (AR.js, GeoAR.js, AR.js Studio among others). Since 2020 I am Invited Expert member of W3C as a consultant for accessibility in innovative technologies. I recently undertook a PhD at the IUAV University of Venice in the program "Architecture, City and Design".

Paolo Cuffiani


Backend Developer / Devops Specialist

I began teaching myself how to programme in the first year of secondary school.

I then attended Scientific High School and studied Maths at University. I first joined Chialab in 2015, after which I took a break to gain experience elsewhere and then came back in 2020. I focus above all on backend, design and implementing cloud and other  infrastructures.


Simona Bertoli



Having graduated with a diploma in Anatomical Design at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Bologna, I have been working at Chialab since 2000. My propensity for order, harmony and a craft approach has led me to explore the spheres I am currently engaged in: information organisation, page formatting and coordination.